Arcade Controller for Pokkén Tournament Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.12.2015 3

Arcade Controller for Pokkén Tournament Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After showcasing the Wii U Pokkén Tournament bundle, Nintendo have since revealed a nifty new Wii U controller.

The game will be compatible with various different controllers, and for a fighting title it's certainly essential that different pieces of kit can work. Players can blast foes with electric bolts as Pikachu, or dish out punches as Lucario by using the Wii U GamePad, Wii U Pro Controllers, but also a replica of the arcade pad that's used for Pokkén Tournament.

It looks like a SNES controller that's had a night in with an Xbox One pad, with prominent face buttons and the all-essential D-Pad for fighting enthusiasts to showcase their quarter-turn skills.

Image for Arcade Controller for Pokkén Tournament Wii U

For more on the game, be sure to read our Pokkén Tournament preview and watch a new trailer.

Will you try out the Hori Pokkén Tournament controller?

Box art for Pokkén Tournament

Bandai Namco







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Would make a good retro Virtual Console controller. There shouldn't be anything stopping this being used as one, surely, but it probably won't, like the GC controller that's only compatible with Smash for some dumb reason.

It looks smaller than the arcade controller and looks like it has much better grip. 

I bet that it will only be compatible with Pokken Tournament and also make you purchase an adapter that's impossible to find!

It should just plug into the USB port.

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