Why is Miitomo Nintendo's First Mobile Game?

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.12.2015 2

Why is Miitomo Nintendo

Nintendo have a wealth of different franchises to exploit on mobile devices, so why Miitomo?

Miitomo is the first mobile game in a partnership between Nintendo and DeNA that's being strung together for a release next year. The use of a community-driven Mii project as Nintendo's first steps into the smartphone world came as a surprise for some, with a fair few fans expecting the likes of Mario or Pokémon to pave the way.

Image for Why is Miitomo Nintendo

Speaking to TIME, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime said how "people are using [smart devices] as a way to stay connected with others through a variety of different means" has given Nintendo the idea to create something that enables a "a play style that makes sense" with Miitomo.

As for other Nintendo franchises, they're still on the way, but will be produced "in a way that leverages what those devices do."

Are Nintendo right to have lead with Mii as the opening gambit for mobile gaming?

Box art for Miitomo








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Our member of the week

I think it is indeed a good way to lead those people in what's going to be the ground base for the next wave of devices they come up with : The new Nintendo account system. My guess is in order to communicate with others, you'll have to rely on those people having their Nintendo account too and being in each other's friend list. From there, those people can be exposed to Nintendo products perhaps better than ever, since they'll have a Nintendo account already.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Its a neutral move, but one still hugely better then putting a Mario game on it.
A lot of Nintendos IP - especially mario - would be so horrible on a touchscreen controlled device as to damage Nintendos reputation I think. Plus, its lose lose - even if Mario "worked" on a mobile phone, you then only take anyway peoples point of buying a 3DS. (if they wanted it for mario).

Better to use phones only to expand Nintendos reach into areas they dont already touch. In terms of communication and concepts - things suitable for the devices and, ideally (like a GPS Pokemon) things not yet possible on Nintendos own devices.

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