Steel Empire is Coming to Europe this Month

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.12.2015

Steel Empire is Coming to Europe this Month on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Classic steam punk shooter Steel Empire is blasting onto Nintendo 3DS in Europe later this month.

After launching across North America last year, it's been a fair bit to wait for fans in Europe to get their paws on the intense side-scrolling shooter. Set in a steam pink world, the game features retro-inspired gameplay, four difficulty settings, seven complex stages and even a replay mode to share your glory (or failure, either way). Steel Empire is out on 17th December 2015 in Europe.


For more on the game, why not read our Steel Empire review.

Will you take on Steel Empire this month on 3DS?

Box art for Steel Empire








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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