Nintendo Announcement Teased for Monday

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.12.2015 9

Nintendo Announcement Teased for Monday on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A Nintendo announcement is expected on Monday, Damon Baker teased in a podcast this week.

"I wish I could tell you guys," said Baker, Nintendo of America's senior manager of licensing and marketing, in a podcast session with Nintendo World Report. "It's going to be big!"

Not much else is known about what Nintendo have in store, whether it's a surprise Direct session, press release or perhaps released to a third party/indie studio. A Super Smash Bros. presentation was planned for December, though, so it may well be linked to Nintendo's all star fighting game in some way.

What do you think Nintendo have in store?

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a new zelda trailer!!! i can but dream haha...

Michael is a freelance writer and camera operator He longs for the day he can finally buy a hover board and is intent on one day finding all 120 stars in Super Mario 64 One day
Our member of the week

The new Nintendo account system being rolled out for America. It's already done in Japan, the rest of the world is awaiting them to do the same, so my guess is that it's going to be that.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Minecraft on Wii U most likely.

Rob The Robot 2.0!

Phoenom said:
Minecraft on Wii U most likely.

Is it? I know Microsoft promised not to limit it to Xbox after buying it out, but not sure why they would push a WiiU version though.
3DS would be at least somewhat more sense, even comparative sales. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

There was a PEGI rating a few weeks back, all but confirmed for release at some point;

I stand corrected. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Would love to finally get the chance to play Minecraft if that is the announcement.

RudyC3 said:
The new Nintendo account system being rolled out for America. It's already done in Japan, the rest of the world is awaiting them to do the same, so my guess is that it's going to be that.

I think it was recently announced that Nintendo accounts were coming in March or so for the west.

EDIT: March 2016 with Miitomo. (Would be a nice surprise tomorrow though)

( Edited 07.12.2015 01:04 by Sonic_13 )

Guest 07.12.2015#8

Woo if minecraft was the 'big' announcement consider the hype train derailed by a game thats been out on every other console for five years. Can't wait for nintendos next megaton of street fighter iv getting released on wii u.

Guest 07.12.2015#9

Woo if minecraft was the 'big' announcement consider the hype train derailed by a game thats been out on every other console for five years. Can't wait for nintendos next megaton of street fighter iv getting released on wii u.

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