Super Smash Bros. Mod, Project M, is No More

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.12.2015 2

Super Smash Bros. Mod, Project M, is No More on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The community driven Super Smash Bros. mode, Project M, has now come to a close.

Six years ago a group of modders formed a team to develop what essentially has been a rewritten Super Smash Bros. Brawl, tinkering with the character balancing, movesets, physics and speed to provide an experience that sat firmly between Melee and Brawl in pacing.

The group are moving onto their own, new projects, so "many of us want to dedicate ourselves to this new venture fully. In this way, we hope to maintain the level of quality and professionalism you've come to expect from us," notes a statement from the team.

We realize that this will come as a shock to many of our fans. Please, forgive us. Again, it's been an excruciating call to make, but it's been made a bit easier by our satisfaction with the previous and final release, v3.6.

We've spent six years polishing Project M, and rather than let it drag on through another several years of dwindling development and change-fatigue in the competitive circle, we're going to consider our work complete.

For more details, read the official statement on the Project M website.

Have you tried out Project M? Do you feel it's a worthy entry into the series in its own right?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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I really loved Project M. While I understand that they'd rather go out on top instead of slowly fading into obscurity and dwindling into nothing, it was a great example of what dedicated fans can achieve. I didn't care much for how they balanced Zelda, but the game was mostly balanced. Except Fox controlled by AI. He was like AI-controlled Hard Scorpion in MK9--just set the controller down and walk away. Except Fox also had the tendency to break and just jump up and down spamming his blaster.

Great memories, though. I don't feel it's a worthy entry as its own, but it was a really comprehensive mod. I don't think they ever fixed the Subspace Emissary, though, which really limited the content.

Oh, they're shutting down the entire site... That's particularly brutal. I still have 3.5 and didn't know 3.6 was out, so I went to look at the changelog. Everything redirects to their goodbye message. I wonder why they're forwarding questions to an attorney. That seems like an odd detail. Makes me wonder if they've been dealing with legal issues with Nintendo and/or Hal.

( Edited 03.12.2015 05:05 by Anema86 )

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Anema86 said:
I really loved Project M. While I understand that they'd rather go out on top instead of slowly fading into obscurity and dwindling into nothing, it was a great example of what dedicated fans can achieve. I didn't care much for how they balanced Zelda, but the game was mostly balanced. Except Fox controlled by AI. He was like AI-controlled Hard Scorpion in MK9--just set the controller down and walk away. Except Fox also had the tendency to break and just jump up and down spamming his blaster.

Great memories, though. I don't feel it's a worthy entry as its own, but it was a really comprehensive mod. I don't think they ever fixed the Subspace Emissary, though, which really limited the content.

Oh, they're shutting down the entire site... That's particularly brutal. I still have 3.5 and didn't know 3.6 was out, so I went to look at the changelog. Everything redirects to their goodbye message. I wonder why they're forwarding questions to an attorney. That seems like an odd detail. Makes me wonder if they've been dealing with legal issues with Nintendo and/or Hal.

According to several members, they heard an extremely vague rumour about the troubles they could face if they kept going. They got in touch with said lawyer who confirmed to them that the troubles they could face were even worse than said rumour, and that their best legal recourse would be to entirely and permanently shut down, which they did.

There's also speculation that at least some of the members are involved in their own game projects, and that Project M could potential be construed as prior work and/or legally work against them (makes it super easy to claim they stole code or other assets). They're so far denying this, but that's a bit of a Catch-22, as they would have to sever all ties (including making such denials) if that was indeed the case.

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