Will Capcom Support Nintendo NX?

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.11.2015

Will Capcom Support Nintendo NX? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Will Capcom support Nintendo's mysterious NX platform? 

During the company's Q&A session after its Financial Results briefing, one of the questions posed was whether Capcom have plans to support upcoming systems like NX going forward.

Capcom will "consider the possibility of creating technology demonstrations and making versions of titles under development for these new platforms," however have nothing to announce when it comes to specific titles or platforms for upcoming products.

Q. What are your plans involving new platforms (NX, PlayStation® VR and others) and the timing of launches of Capcom titles for these platforms?

A. Our R&D operations are working on technologies for many types of hardware. We will consider the possibility of creating technology demonstrations and making versions of titles under development for these new platforms. At this time, we have not announced any plans for specific products or the timing of a product launch. 

What Capcom franchises should be included on NX?

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