Pioneer of Survival-Horror Returns to the Genre

By Coller Entragian 09.11.2015 5

Pioneer of Survival-Horror Returns to the Genre on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After many years, Frederick Raynal the creator of Alone in the Dark is returning to survival horror. Raynal's new game, 2Dark is being developed independently and will be focusing on stealth and seems to have adventure elements to it. One of the most striking qualities of 2Dark are the visuals which have a nostalgic quality about them which are actually 3D models but made to look like 2D sprites which give it a retro vibe.


Other than merely and sneaking surviving, saving children from butchers and other horrors will be some of the core gameplay mechanics. 2Dark looks like it is shaping up nicely for its 2016 release for PC, no work yet if it will make it to console platforms. Has the wait for Frederick Raynal's new horror game been worth it?

Image for Pioneer of Survival-Horror Returns to the Genre

2Dark (PC)

Information page for 2Dark (PC)Game DetailsScreenshots, pictures and artwork for 2DarkScreensVideos, trailers, gameplay footage and adverts for 2DarkVideos
Box art for 2Dark








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I was actually a early backer of this project as I am a fan of their work. (much of the same team also did "Little Big Adventure" - which is a PC Zelda-like game I love).

2Darks voxel characters leads to some very weird possibilities like melting them;

Image for <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
I was actually a early backer of this project as I am a fan of their work. (much of the same team also did "Little Big Adventure" - which is a PC Zelda-like game I love).

2Darks voxel characters leads to some very weird possibilities like melting them;

Image for

im trying to get in touch with the game's director in hopes to give 2Dark more coverage.

Well, fingers crossed. If you get no response let me know, as I've had contact at least with Mr Raynal before. (I might be putting it mildly to say I am a fan of the teams work - I once made a zero budget fanfilm of Little Big Adventure, and in university I did a essay on AitD) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
Well, fingers crossed. If you get no response let me know, as I've had contact at least with Mr Raynal before. (I might be putting it mildly to say I am a fan of the teams work - I once made a zero budget fanfilm of Little Big Adventure, and in university I did a essay on AitD)


will do.
i know hes busy and it looks like ill be having more contact with PR reps than raynal himself.

Tiffany (guest) 02.12.2015#5

Hi guys,

Thank you for this article and your enthusiasm about 2Dark and LBA!
I've noticed you wanted to contact somebody at Gloomywood, please let me introduce myself.
I'm Tiffany, Community Manager on 2Dark, so maybe I can help you?

Contact me at [email protected], I'll do everything I can.

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