Talking Pictures Podcast: Episode 20 (Lights, Camera, Action!)

By Freda Cooper 23.10.2015

Image for Talking Pictures Podcast: Episode 20 (Lights, Camera, Action!)
As Lights, Camera, Action's! resident film critic, Freda Cooper, takes a well-earned break after the London Film Festival, it's time to catch up with the number one event on the UK cinema calendar in Talking Pictures. Time for some serious name dropping! Bryan Cranston, Ben Foster, and Tom Hiddleston are all on the red carpet, talking about their festival movies Trumbo, The Program, and High-Rise, while Maggie Smith holds court at the press conference for her latest, The Lady in the Van.

Elsewhere, in cinemas there's Pan, the Peter Pan prequel, and the film's star Hugh Jackman swashbuckles his way into the hot seat for The Big Interview.  There's a taste of surreal comedy, The Lobster, and a look Lance Armstrong drama The Program, which have both come to cinemas hot foot from the London Film Festival, and on DVD there's documentary The Look of Silence, as well as chase movie Beyond the Reach.

It's all packed into just over 20 minutes and it is on iTunes, TuneIn, oh… and right here on Cubed3!

For the latest from Talking Pictures, just Like the official Facebook page or follow Freda on Twitter, or get reckless and do both…

There's a brand new edition of Talking Pictures next week, complete with Freda's definitive review of the latest Bond movie, Spectre. Don't forget to check it out then and, in the meantime, catch up with previous episodes on iTunes, TuneIn, SoundCloud, and in the Cubed3 archives.

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