This Real Life Pokémon Gym is Now a Thing

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.10.2015

This Real Life Pokémon Gym is Now a Thing on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has tinkered with their wild side from time to time, but this new effort is certainly up there.

The ever-popular series is known for its trademark buildings - the Pokémon Center and the Gyms, and Sanoyas Interaction will be building on that with a new hands-on edutainment facility. The Pokémon EXPO Gym will allow fans to communicate with each other, learn various subjects through unique mini games like "Charizard's Battle Colosseum" and "Gardevoir's Control Score".

Image for This Real Life Pokémon Gym is Now a Thing

As a reward, there'll be special criters to download in Pokémon X, Y, Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby.

To sweeten the deal, there'll also be a Gym Member's Card & Pass Case that's available in the Pokémon Center shop in Osaka, together with a dedicated smartphone app.

Image for This Real Life Pokémon Gym is Now a Thing
Image for This Real Life Pokémon Gym is Now a Thing

Should Nintendo expand the Pokémon EXPO Gym around the world? Would you sign up?

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