Criterion Founders Tease New Burnout Game

By Jamie Mercer 04.10.2015 7

Criterion Founders Tease New Burnout Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Recent tweets from former Criterian founders indicate that we could be seeing a new Burnout game in the not too distant future.

While EA seem disinterested in taking the franchise forward, Three Fields Entertainment, set up in 2014 by Alex Ward and Fiona Sperry who founded Criterion, have released a series of tweets hinting at a possible return to the series.

The hashtag, #ShinyRedSomething, is a direct reference to the name given to the first Burnout game when it was under development - Shiny Red Car. Fans of the series have been replying on Twitter telling Three Fields Entertainment what they would like to see in a new Burnout game.

The last full release in the series, Burnout Paradise, launched in 2008 and divided fans with its open world gameplay.

Are you excited about a new Burnout game? Which one was your favourite?

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Our member of the week

Oh boy make an even better and shinier Burnout Paradise ^^ !!! It's been almost ten years already !!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Lol at EA, a pathetic company...

Glad some of the original staff are able to make a spiritual successor! Burnout was always way better than the Need for Speed games and actually offered something more unique to the stale racing genre. So I'm really looking forward to seeing it!

Burnouts 1 and 2 were some of the most fun I can remember having on my GameCube. I think when EA took over they tried to over complicate things but to make a decent Burnout game is actually a relatively simple formula. Glad to see the franchise being advanced though, even if it might be a couple of years away.

Burnout Paradise 2... I needs it.

Burnout 2. My dad. "What why I is crashing?" 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

RudyC3 said:
Oh boy make an even better and shinier Burnout Paradise ^^ !!! It's been almost ten years already !!

^^^THIS! I LOVED Burnout Paradise and have been waiting for a proper sequel forever. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
Our member of the week

Agul said:

RudyC3 said:
Oh boy make an even better and shinier Burnout Paradise ^^ !!! It's been almost ten years already !!

^^^THIS! I LOVED Burnout Paradise and have been waiting for a proper sequel forever. Smilie

Yeah, Need For Speed Most Wanted was all well and nice, but not exactly as great, even though it picked a few things from it such as the city you can freely roam, but it doesn't hold a candle to the fun to be had in the streets of Paradise City IMHO.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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