How Pokkén Tournament Came About

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.09.2015

How Pokkén Tournament Came About on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

How did Pokkén Tournament come about, and why is it coming to Wii U?

In the latest issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu, Pokémon president Tsunekazu Ishihara was quizzed about the Pokémon Company's decision to move away from the traditional turn-based RPGs and wander into the ol' coin-op arcades with the popular series.

Ishihara suggested that Pokkén Tournament allows for more realistic movements to be explored, and how it's easier to understand the system in fighting games, perhaps compared to the more complex nature of the franchise's more traditional games. 

There was some insistence toward developer Bandai Namco to try and differentiate the game from the Tekken series, to avoid casual players fighting an "extremely powerful stranger" when passing through an arcade.


The move to bring the game on Wii U next year was partly to allow people to play the game at their own pace, and perhaps this at-home training translating to arcade tournaments.

Will you pick up Pokkén Tournament on Wii U next spring?

Box art for Pokkén Tournament

Bandai Namco







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