A First Look at Hyrule Warriors on 3DS with Toon Link and Tetra

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.09.2015 4

A First Look at Hyrule Warriors on 3DS with Toon Link and Tetra on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Head to the sea with the first footage of Hyrule Warriors Legends on Nintendo 3DS!

During the Tokyo Games Show this week, Koei Tecmo lifted the lid on what the port looks like on Nintendo 3DS, together with new content that spans the much-loved The Wind Waker universe. 

Set to release on 21st January in Japan, the game has been translated onto the smaller 3DS screen, bringing the same nippy brawler action to the handheld; with the biggest addition being a playable Toon Link and Tetra.

The game also has enemies from The Wind Waker, and a vast cartoon-like landscape that made up the GameCube adventure's world.


How do you think the game is shaping up on 3DS? Does the inclusion of Wind Waker content work?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors Legends

Omega Force







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I hope they bring the windwaker stuff to wiiu as another dlc

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Sandy Wilson said:
I hope they bring the windwaker stuff to wiiu as another dlc

Considering you can transfer the characters over (Maybe levels too) from 3DS to Wii U, I'm sure they'll release it later down the line as DLC. I, however, am quite tempted to pick it up on 3DS...

Switching characters on the fly is a really nice feature and actually adds better management to the battlefield. That's one thing they did really well in SW: Chronicles 3

If the framerate is good on 3ds then I might get it for going on holiday. XD

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Hrmm... will be tough to decide 3DS or Wii U (or both!?)

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