Operation Rainfall Petitions for Boxed Fatal Frame V for North America

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.08.2015 6

Operation Rainfall Petitions for Boxed Fatal Frame V for North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The folk at Operation Rainfall are campaigning for a physical release for Fatal Frame V: Maiden of Black Water.

The upcoming Wii U release is to be available in both North America and Europe, however only the European version will get a physical, limited-edition boxed release. The game, at time of writing, is still a digital-only release for fans in the US.

A campaign headed up by Operation Zero is designed to urge Nintendo of America to consider a boxed release for the dedicated Fatal Frame fan - with a Change.org petition and a call-in planned for September 8, starting at 10AM EST/7AM PST.

What opzero aims to do is to show publishers (specifically Nintendo of America) that there is a profitable demand for the Fatal Frame (aka project zero) intellectual property and customers have been waiting for this one especially.

What opzero has done so far is provided a voice for customers and fans of the Fatal Frame franchise to convince that this latest game was worthy for western localization. This was an ongoing endeavor that took about a year, but it seems to have worked as illustrated in the Nintendo Direct announcement- image1.JPG
The fact that they specifically acknowledged "fans clamoring" possibly alludes to the fact that Nintendo of America is listening and heard opzero.

16GB is the file size for Fatal Frame 5 so that renders the standard WiiU console ineligible for downloading the game unless NoA is expecting customers to purchase an external hard drive with a power source as well (and a power strip too). Even the deluxe model WiiU which despite being 32 GB is actually closer to 22 GB will not leave much room for anything else.

Will you join in the Operation Zero campaign / would you purchase a boxed version of Fatal Frame V: Maiden of Black Water?

Box art for Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water
Also known as

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water


Koei Tecmo







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I can assure you there is nothing new about this campaign- they have been trying to get fatal frame 5 localized to the west since the game was first revealed over a year ago.
they may have succeeded in convincing Nintendo to localize it- but now they must continue to convince the buffoons at the American offices to put it on store shelves where it belongs.

Technically there isn't a true physical release in Europe either. A very limited run of the limited edition but otherwise it's a digital game.

We should all run a campaign to get Yakuza 5 in physical because it's purely digital...

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

why dont you fit the bill for people who cant afford hard drives? customers shouldnt be expected to buy an external hard drive (and power strip) for ONE game... especially when no other big game is digital only.

Sandy Wilson said:
Technically there isn't a true physical release in Europe either. A very limited run of the limited edition but otherwise it's a digital game.

We should all run a campaign to get Yakuza 5 in physical because it's purely digital...

big difference. yakuza5 is on a platform with 500 GB storage space.  wiiu's highest is 32GB with the standard being 8GB. ps4 users are open to a model like this because the cponsole was designed for releases like this, the wiiu isnt as pointed out by the fact that the standard console wiiu cant ever hold fatal frame.

also- europe is getting a retail release of some kind which is SOMETHING. it is enough for the customers who want it. american customers (the largest consumer of the kinds of games) get no option.

Insanoflex said:

big difference. yakuza5 is on a platform with 500 GB storage space.  wiiu's highest is 32GB with the standard being 8GB. ps4 users are open to a model like this because the cponsole was designed for releases like this, the wiiu isnt as pointed out by the fact that the standard console wiiu cant ever hold fatal frame.

also- europe is getting a retail release of some kind which is SOMETHING. it is enough for the customers who want it. american customers (the largest consumer of the kinds of games) get no option.

The European release wasn't stocked all that well, far below the full amount of fans who wished to purchase it. I wasn't saying don't petition for it I was saying don't just focus on the US when it's exists in multiple places.

Yakuza 5 is on PS3 which is much less flexible as a platform than you might think. If it had been on PS4 it would also be rubbish as many PS4 users had those initial 500gb filled within a couple of months.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

It's also important to remember that not everyone is on fast internet. It would take forever to download on my connection.

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