Full Patch Notes for August Splatoon Update

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.08.2015 1

Full Patch Notes for August Splatoon Update on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the Splatoon update now available around the world, here's exactly what's been included in the latest version.

The much anticipated August software upgrade, available now as a free download, includes a wide range of new features - including the ability to bundle together as squads in special "Ranked Battles", plus play together with other friends in private matches. There's also an increase in level caps, more weapons and small tweaks to existing stages.

The full set of patch notes are below.

Image for Full Patch Notes for August Splatoon Update

Squad Battle

  • Users will be able to create a squad with friends and battle against other squads in Ranked Battle.
    *Squad Battle can be accessed by players who are at level 10 or higher.
    *Once a squad is created, friends of friends will be able to join the squad.
    *Passwords can be set if users wish to only play with specific friends.
    *Squad Battle can only be played against other users who are playing Squad Battle. (Ranked Battle players will not be matched up with Squad Battle players.)
  • Users will be able to create a Squad of 4, Squad of 3, or Squad of 2.
    *Squads of 3 may be matched up against Squads of 4.
    *When a Squad of 3 plays against a Squad of 4, the game will be set so the Squad of 3 respawns faster, but in general, the Squad of 3 will be at a disadvantage.
    *Squads of 2 will be matched up with three other Squads of 2, resulting in a match between "Squad of 2 x 2″ vs "Squad of 2 x 2″.
Private Battle
  • In Private Battle, friends can play in private, customizable matches.
    *Friends of friends will be able to join.
    *Passwords can be set if users wish to only play with specific friends.
Image for Full Patch Notes for August Splatoon Update

 Updated Levels:

  • Users will be able to level up to level 50.
    *This will be unlocked once players reach level 20 and go to the lobby.
Updated Ranks:
  • Users will be able to achieve rank S and S+.
    *Rank S and S+ can only be attained by playing Ranked Battle, not through Squad Battle.
    *Once users reach rank S and S+, the rank will no longer be affected by the results of Squad Battle.
  • Change the calculation method for Rank Points based on the results in Ranked Battle.
  • Users will be sent back to the lobby when their ranks change in Ranked Battle.
New Gear
  • New gear has been added, which will appear in the in-game shop at random.
New Background Music
  • New BGM has been added, which will play during battles at random.
SplatFest Update
  • During the results of Splatfest, the winning percentage will be multiplied by 4 rather than 2.
Stage Adjustments
  • Urchin Underpass: Overall layout has been adjusted in all modes.
  • Saltspray Rig: Adjusted stage layout in Tower Control.
  • Arowana Mall: Adjusted stage layout in Splat Zones.
  • Kelp Dome: Adjusted stage layout in Splat Zones and Tower Control.
  • Moray Towers: Adjusted stage layout in Splat Zones and Tower Control.
Special Weapon Adjustments
  • Adjust the points needed to use Inkzooka from 180p to 220p.
  • Adjust the points needed to use Point Sensor from 180p to 200p.
  • Adjust the points needed to use Killer Wail from 180p to 160p.
    *The above numbers apply when users do not have the Special Charge Up ability equipped.
Sub Weapon Adjustments:
  • Splash Wall: Correct the amount of damage done by bombs when they are thrown against the Splash Wall.
Ability Adjustments
  • Tenacity: Adjustments will be made so the special gauge begins to fill up after the battle begins, rather than starting prior to the battle.
  • Special Charge Up: Adjustments will be made so the special gauge will fill up in amounts consistent with the amount of area inked.
Sound Effects Adjustments
  • Adjust the sound effects for Inkstrike so it can be heard when it is about to strike on the left, right, or back of the player.
  • Adjust the sound effects for some of the longer range weapons so it can be heard from far away when it hits.
  • Adjustments will be made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.


 Are you happy with today's Splatoon update?

Box art for Splatoon








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I had heard about the new modes and new gear, but wasn't expecting to see some of the level changes.

I'm very interested in trying out Urchin Underpass in Tower Control now that the single narrow corridors the tower passes through are gone.

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