Odin Sphere HD Remake Confirmed

By Athanasios 31.07.2015 3

Odin Sphere HD Remake Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The master of stunning 2D visuals Vanillaware, has confirmed the HD recreation of its cult classic Odin Sphere, an RPG deeply rooted in Norse myths. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is the name, and besides its visuals, the gameplay will also get a bit of reworking - but there will be a "Classic" mode for those who want to experience the game in its original form. The news are great for those who want to give this PS2 title a try, and witness the excellence of George Kamitani artistic style.

Scheduled to be released in 2016, it will be available for PS4, PS3, and PS VITA both in retail and digital distribution form, but unfortunately there hasn't be any word concerning the EU version yet.

Image for Odin Sphere HD Remake Confirmed

Box art for Odin Sphere Leifthrasir



NIS America


2D Platformer



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actually- the gameplay is getting an overhaul. they are making faster and more fluid.  they intend to make it match muramasa and dragons crown in terms of speed.

the original classic style will also be included.

Insanoflex said:
actually- the gameplay is getting an overhaul. they are making faster and more fluid.  they intend to make it match muramasa and dragons crown in terms of speed.

the original classic style will also be included.

Thanx for the info.
Checked. Edited. Done and done.

( Edited 01.08.2015 10:08 by Ofisil )

Can't a fella drink in peace?

Can't wait for this. In the EU we never got it as a classic download on PS3 so this looks to be the first time it will be easy to buy! Also the art in Odin Sphere is spectacular and deffo my favourite next to Muramasa.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

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