Dragon Quest VIII Stamps, StreetPass Sharing

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.07.2015

Dragon Quest VIII Stamps, StreetPass Sharing on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Even more content and features will be available in Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King on 3DS.

The Nintendo 3DS version, an upgraded port of the PS2 original, will focus on spruced up gameplay, and a set of additional features that take advantage of the 3DS hardware.

Image for Dragon Quest VIII Stamps, StreetPass Sharing
Image for Dragon Quest VIII Stamps, StreetPass Sharing

As well as the new camera mode in Dragon Quest VIII, the game will also allow players to customise these snaps with stamps/different arrangements, plus exchange these with friends over StreetPass. Players can automatically exchange postcards with other Dragon Quest VIII players on the move, and even see how many times it's been distributed - to unlock rewards like items/more photo customisations. These can also be shared online, too.

Image for Dragon Quest VIII Stamps, StreetPass Sharing

Finally, there'll be even more costumes available for characters to wear in the 3DS version.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King will launch in Japan on August 27th.

Box art for Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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