Project Cars Cancelled on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.07.2015 3

Project Cars Cancelled on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Slightly Mad Studios has confirmed that Project Cars on Wii U has been cancelled.

The ambitious driving simulator, which is already available on multiple platforms, was previous delayed for release on Wii U with rumblings that it may get the chop after technical issues.

Today, Slightly Mad Studios confirmed that Project Cars Wii U has indeed been cancelled, with creative director Andy Tudor stating how "the quality does not meet our own high standards nor our intended vision for the title on this platform."

Speaking to GameSpot, Tudor apologised to "Nintendo fans out there that have been waiting for further news on this but we have no desire to release a product that isn't at the very least comparable with our highest-rated versions on other platforms."

The team don't appear to be ruling out a Nintendo-console version, as Tudor expressed interest in "any announcement of further hardware from Nintendo." Perhaps the recently announced Project Cars 2 could make the Nintendo-cut in the future?

Be sure to read our Project Cars PS4 review.

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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Our member of the week

Unless the development kits for NX are already in the hands of developers as we speak, I doubt a version of Project Cars 2 for it would do good, if it ends up arriving on the new system a year late. Don't repeat the same mistakes so many developers made in bringing games that were nearly a year old already, at launch, on the Wii U, expecting them to do good at retail.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

i correct me if im wrong but did they not have a kick starter for this game on wii u?? if so i hope anyone who funded them sues them as how they have handled the wiiu is out of order.

Supa_hyped said:
i correct me if im wrong but did they not have a kick starter for this game on wii u?? if so i hope anyone who funded them sues them as how they have handled the wiiu is out of order.

I think you're correct. I thought Wii U was one of the original platforms promised (along with PS3 and 360). But then they canceled the PS3 and 360 versions and moved to X1 and PS4 (while keeping Wii U).

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