Shenmue III Enters Final Kickstarter Hours

By Az Elias 17.07.2015 6

Shenmue III Enters Final Kickstarter Hours on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yu Suzuki's Shenmue III has set a new record on Kickstarter for the highest crowd-funded video game.

Now sitting over $6million at time of writing, the long-awaited sequel has seen its total funds rise exponentially in the last day or so, hitting the stretch goal for a more advanced free battle system.

In a bid to help raise as much money as possible before the Kickstarter closes in under three hours' time, Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki will appear in one more Twitch stream, alongside other project members, who will all be celebrating the game's crowd-funding success.

The live Twitch stream will be viewable here:

It will begin at the following times in each region:

  • Yokosuka: July 18, 8:00AM JST
  • Hong Kong: July 18, 7:00AM HKT
  • Bailu: July 18, 7:00AM CST
  • Los Angeles: July 17, 4:00PM PDT
  • New York: July 17, 7:00PM EDT
  • Berlin: July 18, 1:00AM CEST
  • Paris: July 18, 1:00AM CEST
  • Rome: July 18, 1:00AM CEST
  • London: July 18, 12:00AM BST
  • Moscow: July 18, 2:00AM MSK
  • Seoul: July 18, 8:00AM KST
  • Sydney: July 18, 9:00AM AEST
  • Rio de Janeiro: July 17, 8:00PM BRT

There is still time to be a part of history and make your pledges to the campaign. Anyone pledging $29 or more will be able to choose a digital version of Shenmue III for PS4 or PC, whilst donating $60 or more will give the choice of a physical disc version for either platform. Users can still opt for a digital copy if they so wish.

Higher rewards include art books, soundtracks, messages from Ryo's voice actor Corey Marshall, an in-game international phone card, your name in the credits, toy capsules, T-shirts, crystal character sculptures, character busts, Ryo replica jackets, and so much more.

Back Shenmue III now at Kickstarter.

Box art for Shenmue III

Ys Net


Koch Media


Action Adventure



C3 Score

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Never thought this day would come, just unbelievable! Everyone's done a great job at making this happen! I'm so happy it's made $6 million, the battle system sounds like something that could really improve the game.

Looking forward ot watching the live stream in a minute.

$6m goal was the one I wanted the most since I saw it. The fighting just isn't good enough now, after playing them again. This will really help. I am asking for a lot, but I'd love it to reach the $7 and $7.5 goals now, just to see what Yu can do with the AI and the environment in battles. Won't be upset if it doesn't, though; just so ecstatic it's happening. I pledged a digital copy for my bro, and gonna up mine soon in the final hours.

Sadly, Sony stunted this one's potential by saying it was going to back it early on. It went from shooting up to stalling badly because people didn't see the point of backing something Sony was going to fund anyway. By the time the real story came out, it was a bit too late. This could have hit dizzier heights...but maybe Sony's plan all along was to stop it potentially hitting higher targets and going to other console platforms? [/conspiracy]

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Definitely wasn't clear cut, unfortunately. Sadly, too, the media and popular YouTubers have been shitting all over this, spreading false information to their thousands of readers/viewers. It's been so strange and sad to see the hate for no reason for such an inoffensive and magical game series. Despite the rocky road, it's managed to come out at the end extremely well. I do think it could have performed a bit better if things were handled differently, but it's not something fans will feel too depressed over. We're just glad to get this game at long last. Fuck everyone else that is clueless about it and this series.

Yeah, it definitely could have been handled better, but considering all the negative press it's got and false information talked about in YouTube videos, it's done amazingly well. There were still lots of people pledging till the very last second and it would have continued, had it gone on longer.

Such an amazing feeling, my heart was racing in the final minutes.

I think it made around $1 million in the last day. Pretty insane!

stree (guest) 19.07.2015#6

I hope its not like shenmue 2 which was a sell out that bow down to hater reviewer. Speed up time was stepid the best thing about shenmue it trap you in the world it so pose to be unique jrpg .they should add Internet and TV and pinball and practice in the park and find secret treasure all ways work in rpg . Shenmue 2 was better all though it was not shenmue enough I like playing it  better. Stick whit what works rpg overtones and virtual fighter overtones.

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