Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem's History

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.07.2015

Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem

Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem could never had happened if Nintendo producer didn't push the idea.

Yamagami recalls, how in 2009, Nintendo director Kaori Ando pitched the idea to Atus, but was met with a "let us think about it." After initial talks, Nintendo were told that Atlus were "too busy and can't do it right now."

Well over a year later, Yamagami received an email from Atlus asking, "is that talk still open?" From then, discussion resumed and the project began, and it was highlighted how Atlus were keen from the start, but lacked manpower due to developing Devil Survivor 2.

The fact that Nintendo wanted to "collaborate with us with such a big title was a huge honor and I really wanted to do it." Atlus producer Shinjiro Takada said.

Do you think such a cross-over could work?

Box art for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE





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