Lights, Camera, Action! | Talking Pictures Podcast: Episode 07

By Freda Cooper 09.07.2015

Image for Lights, Camera, Action! | Talking Pictures Podcast: Episode 07
Talking Pictures, the audio version of Lights, Camera, Action!, hosted by Freda Cooper, is full of news, reviews, and interviews especially for film fans. In fact, it's the essential guide to the movies, and this week Freda previews the best family films coming up over the summer holidays, with help from London Mums' founder and editor, Monica Costa.

New releases at the cinema this week include the return of the potty-mouthed teddy in Ted 2 and Dustin Hoffman is the maestro in The Choir. On DVD, Freda takes a look at Julianne Moore's Oscar winning Still Alice and there's straight-to-DVD drama, Two Men in Town, with Harvey Keitel and Forest Whitaker.

It's all crammed into around 20 minutes and it's ready and waiting on iTunes, TuneIn and, to make it even easier, right here on Cubed3:

Plug in those headphones and get listening, and why not even support the show by voting for it in the UK Podcast Awards? Simply follow this handy link and vote, vote, vote:

Don't forget to stay up to date with the latest on Talking Pictures by hitting 'Like' on the official Facebook page and following Freda on Twitter.

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