Nintendo Looking into Early Access Program

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2015

Nintendo Looking into Early Access Program on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are currently exploring options for Early Access programs, according to Damon Baker.

Baker, who works in licensing with Nintendo of America, was asked about the company's approach going forward, particularly with the recent Nindies at Home promotion. During E3 week last week, the company launched free demos for various indie games - which, if downloaded, will offer a discount upon the final release.

Baker felt that this approach was "almost an early access-type of situation because some of this content isn't even coming out until towards the end of the year." There had to be a change in policies, guidelines and "there was a lot of work that went into it."

Image for Nintendo Looking into Early Access Program

As for Early Access, it would create more challenges for Nintendo as consumers would need to pay for a game - whether full or partial - to receive access to demo/unfinish titles, prior to release.

Baker feels there are benefits to the approach, like working out possible bugs/issues, but "it's a very sensitive topic, because you wouldn't ever want to ask for money for something that doesn't become fully-realized." 


However, Nintendo are "exploring options and capabilities," but there aren't any plans to announce at the moment.

Do you think Nintendo should offer Early Access titles on the eShop? Or just continue with early demos?

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