Miyamoto: Star Fox 2 to Remain a Memory

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.06.2015 5

Miyamoto: Star Fox 2 to Remain a Memory on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Talking about Star Fox Zero, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto said Star Fox 2 should remain a part of history.

Fans of the series have been keen to see the cancelled Star Fox 2 officially released to the masses. Unfortunately, the chances of that happening are rather slim due to numerous reasons. A finished, working copy of Star Fox 2 does exist, so there are technical possibilities for Nintendo to be able to plop it on the Virtual Console, perhaps.

When asked during E3, Shigeru Miyamoto felt that "it's ok for Star Fox 2 to just remain a memory" and how elements of that game - including the Wallker mode - are being realised in the new Wii U game, Star Fox Zero.

Should Nintendo release Star Fox 2 at somepoint?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


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If it is profitable, yes. But there are several other things I would rather want to see Nintendo working on than releasing Star Fox II. Worth to say though is that I am no big fan of Star Fox and I have a feel that fans of the franchise might have a very different opinion compared to myself.

I would never say never though. They did after what feels like thousands of years release Mother in NA/EU.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I don't know, it would be cool to experience, but I doubt it would hold up today. I find Starwing near impossible to play these days, the frame rate is awful. Not sure if Star Fox 2 would have improved that though.

Still, if it's fully made and easy to stick on the VC, then sure, why not?

I think with elements worked into Starfox Command and Zero I wonder if there is a such a reason now. 

Nintendo should just release Starwing with a slight upgrade to frame rate and fixing the bugs. It would be good to have the second released considering it's finished but I guess we can't miss what weve never had!

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Marzy said:
I find Starwing near impossible to play these days, the frame rate is awful. Not sure if Star Fox 2 would have improved that though.

Believe me, that's coming from someone who beat Starfox 2, if you hated the controls in Starwing, you would have LOATHED the controls in Starfox 2. I mean not the Arwing controls per se, but the tank-like controls while controlling the "Arwing transformed into a robot thingie". Starfox 2 is good in my opinion, but ultimately a game which in my opinion, wasn't completely ready to go on sale, gameplay-wise, and could have used some more polishing.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It would make sense if they released it on the VC before Zero's release...

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