Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash Hits the Courts this Year

By Az Elias 16.06.2015 5

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash Hits the Courts this Year on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario is taking to the courts again in Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash for Wii U.

Due in Holiday 2015, the new console multiplayer tennis game featuring Mario and pals looks to introduce a new gameplay mechanic. Characters can now grow to gigantic size with the help of a Mega Mushroom, resulting in powerful racket hits that knock opponents back for a short period to gain the advantage.

Check the trailer below for the first footage.

Image for Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash Hits the Courts this Year
Box art for Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  3/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

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Would have preferred footie, but this is the next best thing.

Still waiting for a proper tennis game this gen : (

Needs and RPG mode and online play, or bust. GB MT games were first class.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I doubt it'll get RPG mode. Surely they would have said something. The press notes didn't even mention online, despite mentioning multiplayer. They can't not put online tho.

Azuardo said:
I doubt it'll get RPG mode. Surely they would have said something. The press notes didn't even mention online, despite mentioning multiplayer. They can't not put online tho.

This. This makes me sad. It seems a pointless purchase without that extra content. I can just boot up the Wii one.. GC one... 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Can't get my head around it. You don't just not announce features like that. Won't be a purchase from me if there's no online. It's just a given for games like this now. I'm not a kid any more; I don't have mates that wanna play these round my house for sleepovers today lol. The people I wanna play with are now online.

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