Fresh Yoshi, Chibi Robo Footage from E3

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2015

Fresh Yoshi, Chibi Robo Footage from E3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Prior to the Nintendo Digital Event, Ali Rapp showcased new footage from various Nintendo games on a YouTube stream.

The big event is set to take off later today, but YouTube popped by Nintendo's E3 booth to sample a handful of games as part of a live session (captured by NintendoEverything) - including a first look at a fresh Yoshi's Woolly World stage, Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash and the accompanying amiibo, plus retro-inspired Mutant Mudds Super Challenge from Renegade Kid.


What games are you looking most forward to seeing this E3?

Box art for Yoshi's Woolly World

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2D Platformer



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