Ryu & Roy Confirmed for Smash Bros.

By Drew Hurley 14.06.2015 2

Ryu & Roy Confirmed for Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As rumoured and leaked earlier in the week, now confirmed during Nintendo's Smash Bros. dedicated Nintendo direct both characters along with Lucas with be joining the Smash roster.

Image for Ryu & Roy Confirmed for Smash Bros.

Roy is a longtime favourite of many Smash players and a welcomed return, he differs from Marth in that his attacks are much stronger at the base of the blade, meaning players need to get a bit closer to get the most of him.

Image for Ryu & Roy Confirmed for Smash Bros.

Ryu plays a little differently to regular smash characters. Though each of his signatures moves are included as standard Smash attacks, directional with the b button, if the player inputs his classic button inputs to pull off the move Ryu will put a little more impact in. So get practicing on those quarter and half circles!

Even his regular attacks can are different too, holding the button allows for strong slower attacks and tapping for weaker and quicker. He also comes with two different Smash attacks, the first character in Smash to do so!

Ryu is bringing some thing along with him for his debut, Sakarai commented they put real passion into adding Ryu to the roster, including trophies for both him and Ken, his iconic temple stage and both his and Ken's theme to the WiiU version. 



To top it off Sakarai also confirmed that Amiibo are planned for both new fighters!

Will you be getting Roy and Ryu? They're going to be available.... RIGHT NOW! 

Stick with Cubed3 for all your E3 coverage as it happens, there's a lot more to come

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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So good that they've made Ryu as true to form as possible, including SFX and inputs. This only makes me wish playing with the d-pad in Smash was possible tho.

Wait a minute... What if Nintendo on purpose "leaked" this character release to increase the hype for the Nintendo Direct knowing that very few follows the Nintendo direct?..

I mean, the only reason it got leaked was because of files they had released themselves! The plot thinkens..

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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