New Super Smash Bros. amiibo Announced

By Lex Firth 14.06.2015

New Super Smash Bros. amiibo Announced on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The next wave of amiibo in the Super Smash Bros. Collection have been announced.

amiibo based on Falco, R.O.B., Duck Hunt Duo, Mr. Game & Watch and the Mii Fighters will all be released in September.

Image for New Super Smash Bros. amiibo Announced

Mr. Game & Watch appears to be a special case, as he comes with a number of configurable poses so collectors can choose their favourite to display.

Image for New Super Smash Bros. amiibo Announced

R.O.B. is also slightly different to the others, as he comes in two different designs: the standard grey NES design, and a beige and red Famicom design spotted by eagle-eyed viewers in the background of the stream.

It also appears that the three Mii Fighter amiibo will allow players to choose costumes for their Mii Fighter that would otherwise by add-on content, potentially without having to buy them.

Image for New Super Smash Bros. amiibo Announced

amiibo based on upcoming DLC fighters Mewtwo, Lucas, Ryu and Roy are also in development, but a release date is not yet confirmed.

These seven amiibo will be released in September in both Europe and North America.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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