Rumour: Ryu and Roy Found in Smash Bros. Patch

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.06.2015 21

Rumour: Ryu and Roy Found in Smash Bros. Patch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumour: Ryu and Roy have been found in game patch data in the Japanese version of Super Smash Bros.

Footage of both character's ending videos have surfaced on YouTube (via Reddit), highlighting their character models, various moves and what appears to be an additional stage for the Street Fighter super-star.

With a Super Smash Bros. Direct incoming on 14th June, it's more than likely that these characters will be debunked then - in addition to the launch of the Lucas DLC.



What do you think of the rumoured inclusion of Ryu and Roy?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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I kind of want Ryu, even though he's the most boring choice of Street Fighter character. Blanka would have been awesome! He's a new character though, at least, and he has a stage! I hope they include some Street Fighter music and hopefully some remixes.

Well I think that basically confirms it xD
At least this confirms more stage dlc which is nice by damn, 3 marths overall?

( Edited 13.06.2015 11:22 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Two very boring characters to add... :/ A reskin and one of the most boring and vanilla Fighting characters ever? Hoped for more variation.

If done right, however, Ryu might be fun and I understand that he is a fanvourite to join the crew, but I would have preferred other characters as further Fire Emblem additions that are not Marth reskins (LUTE FFS!!! BEST FIRE EMBLEM CHARACTER OF ALL TIME!!!RAAAAAANT!!!) and I would personally try to avoid adding so many fighting game characters to the roster overall as their fighting techniques will be pretty boring in Smash. I do everyday prefer to play as characters such as Rosalina who attacks with Luma's and galaxies over boring fisticuff fighters in brawl (and fighters in overall to be honest, but I am clearly not in the target audience there xD).

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Bit too many F-E characters, right - that'll make four in all now

Hoping for more variation, and wished we could have had a new sword character with a different moveset Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

5 actually JB. Marth, Ike, Robin, Lucina and Roy O.o

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Awww.. Why no Denpa men or Mallo Smilie

Community is going crazy and tons of stuff is getting leaked O.o

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

GUYS!... Guys, you're not allowed to complain about Smash Bros characters! It's not allowed, you have to accept any character that gets added, and feel happy about it... Even if it's another boring swordsman.

Marzy said:
GUYS!... Guys, you're not allowed to complain about Smash Bros characters! It's not allowed, you have to accept any character that gets added, and feel happy about it... Even if it's another boring swordsman.

At least it's not a blue haired swordsmans Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

No issues with these - Roy's been gone too long and deserves his place, and we all knew Ryu was coming. Even if he's the star of SF, would have preferred Chun Li or Guile - imagine the awesome Guile's theme remix! Hope they do include more than just Ryu's theme remixes if they are doing that; that would be awesome.

Would like Roy to be the last swordsman now tho. Looking forward to see who else they introduce in the future.

Marzy said:
GUYS!... Guys, you're not allowed to complain about Smash Bros characters! It's not allowed, you have to accept any character that gets added, and feel happy about it... Even if it's another boring swordsman.

Excuuuse me, but I want my daily dose of cute magical girls.......... :'( Also, I am not a fan of "reskin" characters with minor changes. Not a fan of Lucas either for the same reason. I always prefer fresh characters.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Ken and Dan as costume swaps maybe? :3

Andre Eriksson said:

Marzy said:
GUYS!... Guys, you're not allowed to complain about Smash Bros characters! It's not allowed, you have to accept any character that gets added, and feel happy about it... Even if it's another boring swordsman.

Excuuuse me, but I want my daily dose of cute magical girls.......... :'( Also, I am not a fan of "reskin" characters with minor changes. Not a fan of Lucas either for the same reason. I always prefer fresh characters.

Magical girls? DOA got you covered, son.

I can imagine previous characters/clones like Wolf are being worked on behind the scenes, since they won't require as much time as brand-new ones, but I can also imagine they've probably started working on some of the characters at the top of the character fan vote. I mean, if characters like K. Rool, Dixie, Isaac, Ridley etc are already at the top, that's unlikely to change come October. They could already be working on such characters.

Ryu and Ken remixes uploaded here:

You can travel back through this topic if you wanna see more images of Roy/Ryu, their moves and outfits, etc:

Why do you think the only "traditional" fighting franchise I play is DOA? Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Andre Eriksson said:
Why do you think the only "traditional" fighting franchise I play is DOA? Smilie

Ohh nice, you should add me on PSN - try play some games some time!

Shall definitely do that next time I am on my PS consoles! Smilie Right now my main priority is finishing off every Single Player MH quest and topgearing my main weapon. Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Seems like I'm the only person on Cubed3 to be excited for Roy. One of my mains in Melee and a community favourite, I love that he's back and apparently also has a Japanese voice (if it's not his old one). He'll be more different than Lucina is to Marth by default, and complaints that sword characters are boring and the same seems a bit harsh considering Smash 4 added two very unique newcomers that use swords, Shulk and Robin.

I'm glad Roy's back - he deserves to be. Not excited because I didn't get attached to him, but he is an oldie that should be in. Isaac can probably have a good moveset that doesn't rely on his sword much, but it's just the idea of sword characters in general that seems to be a bit much for my personal tastes now. So many non-sword characters out there that would help bring some freshness to the roster. Just give the swordsmen a rest for a while, I say. Depends on the character tho - I bet there are still some swordsmen I would like to see, but I'd rather them give it a break.

Capcom have treated WiiU like crap outside of Virtual Console but yeah let's give up a slot for such a boring character! I hope Nintendo at least asked for REmake & Zero in return.

Still not got the game so guess I can't complain much. Smilie

( Edited 13.06.2015 16:47 by Ifrit XXII )

Ifrit XXII said:
Capcom have treated WiiU like crap outside of Virtual Console but yeah let's give up a slot for such a boring character! I hope Nintendo at least asked for REmake & Zero in return.

Still not got the game so guess I can't complain much. Smilie

Is releasing MH3U treating a console like crap? Smilie I mean, it is the best franchise Capcom have nowadays. I would say releasing it on Nintendo's new system is a pretty sweet thing to do.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Ifrit XXII said:
Capcom have treated WiiU like crap outside of Virtual Console but yeah let's give up a slot for such a boring character! I hope Nintendo at least asked for REmake & Zero in return.

Still not got the game so guess I can't complain much. Smilie

idk man, how many 3rd parties can you honestly say have supported it well? The state it's in, you can't expect every single multiplat game to be on the Wii U now, whatever the history of certain games on Nintendo systems or not. That's not getting into the troubles Capcom has had recently - it's part of the reason they've done the Sony deal for SF5. At least Capcom is still supporting it in some form, where a strong fanbase of Monster Hunter players is, as André said.

This, to me, at least shows Capcom and Nintendo still have a good relationship. Plus Ryu and SF have a pretty big history on Nintendo systems - SF2 is the first SF I owned on SNES, and sold more than Zelda 3, Yoshi's Island and Star Fox to name a few. Appearances in USF4 on 3DS, Tatsunoko vs Capcom on Wii... He's one of the most iconic fighting game characters, and indeed VG characters, of all time. He's a great addition, imo.

( Edited 14.06.2015 03:03 by Azuardo )

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