Fresh Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Screens, Box Art and Info

By Az Elias 12.06.2015 1

Fresh Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Screens, Box Art and Info on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA has shared some fresh screenshots for upcoming Nintendo 3DS Sonic title Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice.

Developed by Sanzaru Games and due to release this winter in North America and Europe, the sequel to the revamping of the blue blur, Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal, will see some important changes introduced.

The team has taken on board feedback, and will streamline the game to allow for speedier levels, more akin to what Sonic the Hedgehog has always been known for. Collectibles will only serve to unlock extra features, as opposed to being required to progress in the game, and which previously forced players to repeat levels. Gameplay involves switching between fire and ice abilities on the fly, burning ice blocks or freezing water as necessary, with more complex puzzles coming into play later on.

Richard Jacques will be composing the soundtrack, who scored the previous two Sonic Boom titles on 3DS and Wii U, and also worked on Sonic R, Sonic 3D Blast on Saturn, and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

Sonic PR guy Aaron Webber has also noted that there are no plans to bring Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice to any other platforms that aren't 3DS.

Take a look at the new shots and US box art below.

Image for Fresh Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Screens, Box Art and Info
Image for Fresh Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Screens, Box Art and Info
Image for Fresh Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Screens, Box Art and Info
Image for Fresh Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Screens, Box Art and Info
Image for Fresh Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Screens, Box Art and Info
Box art for Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Guarantee they'll still cock it up!

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