Hyrule Warriors Slashing onto 3DS

By Az Elias 10.06.2015 9

Hyrule Warriors Slashing onto 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A port of the Wii U brawler Hyrule Warriors is heading to Nintendo 3DS, and is bringing new characters into the fray.

Ahead of any official announcement, the trailer for the game was found early on Koei Tecmo's YouTube account, and has since been made private. Expect further details in due course.

As revealed in the trailer below, Tetra and the King of Red Lions from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker will be added to the Nintendo 3DS version, with the ability to transfer them into the Wii U edition.

The option to switch between characters on the fly during battle - a feature present in other Warriors games - also looks to be in this title by tapping on the character icons on the touch screen.

Image for Hyrule Warriors Slashing onto 3DS
Image for Hyrule Warriors Slashing onto 3DS
Box art for Hyrule Warriors Legends

Omega Force







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I cannot believe it. What a great couple of characters to add. You're so close, guys! Just needs Malon now!

I agree we will probaly be getting more info at e3....looks like its starting of with a BANG!

The Wind Waker theme is fantastic and Tetra looks really cool! I'm very tempted to pick this up just to transfer the new content to my Wii U.

The video is now private but I uploaded a recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xF4kENWiFI

Thank you, nVidia ShadowPlay!

I would rather they gave Wii U owners the chance to buy the characters. I'm not inclined to buy another version of the game just for them. Hopefully they offer that at some point.

Yeah, even if it's timed exclusive, I hope they add those new characters as DLC for the Wii U version. I'd love to play as Tetra, she's awesome!

Azuardo said:
I would rather they gave Wii U owners the chance to buy the characters. I'm not inclined to buy another version of the game just for them. Hopefully they offer that at some point.

Same. Even if you can transfer saves (like hell I'm starting over on this game), I don't fancy playing a downgraded version on a handheld and the price of a 3DS game is way too much to pay for two characters.

Ideally, they should release this port and offer the new content/features two or three months later on Wii U. I'd definitely buy it then and I don't mind waiting. Like anyone has time for this timesink (with all DLCs) anyway. Monster Hunter is enough for me lol.

Wow - wasn't expecting this! Good stuff! I still need to actually complete it 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wasn't expecting this when I got home from work xD

Also http://i.imgur.com/w4ujYVO.png 
People seem to think the crossbow that's next to tetras face could be Linkle. http://www.siliconera.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/female_link_thumb.jpg
Would be pretty cool tbh!

Better Image here http://imgur.com/a/4J7K8

( Edited 10.06.2015 19:03 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

SirLink said:
Same. Even if you can transfer saves (like hell I'm starting over on this game), I don't fancy playing a downgraded version on a handheld and the price of a 3DS game is way too much to pay for two characters.

Ideally, they should release this port and offer the new content/features two or three months later on Wii U. I'd definitely buy it then and I don't mind waiting. Like anyone has time for this timesink (with all DLCs) anyway. Monster Hunter is enough for me lol.

It's times like this where Nintendo needs to embrace things like cross-save. It would give me much more reason to buy the 3DS version to grind on the handheld and transfer to Wii U later. Like you say, I can't see many current Wii U owners rebuying this and starting all over again, even if you do get a couple of new characters.

They need to add new maps really. I hope the 3DS game does well to increase chances of a sequel.

Would love that Linkle rumour to be true. What a weird artwork, just having the crossbow there on its own lol. Maybe they'll adjust it if/when she's officially confirmed. If ever there's a time in the series to do it, it's now in this spin-off.

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