Smash Bros. Video Presentation to Stream on June 14th

By Az Elias 08.06.2015 3

Smash Bros. Video Presentation to Stream on June 14th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo will be hosting a live video presentation for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS on Sunday, June 14th.

Presented by game director Masahiro Sakurai, the stream will cover brand-new content. Lucas will be released on the same day, so expect further details on him, plus the already-announced Miiverse stage and Splatoon Mii Fighter costumes.

The stream will air at 15:40 BST / 07:40 PDT / 10:40 EDT.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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That Ryu reveal is gonna happen sooner then expected xD
Wonder why their doing a separate broadcast for this as E3 is so close. Hyped non the less!

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Wonder why their doing a separate broadcast for this as E3 is so close. Hyped non the less!

This is definitely a good thing though.

Probably means they have lots of actual new stuff to show us in the Digital Event rather than filler DLC content.

( Edited 08.06.2015 18:18 by Marzy )

E3 week just keeps on getting better! Go Nintendo!

Marzy said:

Wonder why their doing a separate broadcast for this as E3 is so close. Hyped non the less!

This is definitely a good thing though.

Probably means they have lots of actual new stuff to show us in the Digital Event rather than filler DLC content.

Hopefully the same reason why Nintendo announced several new games just last week.

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