Lucas, Miiverse Stage, Splatoon Outfits for Smash Bros. on 14th June

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2015 2

Lucas, Miiverse Stage, Splatoon Outfits for Smash Bros. on 14th June on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Psychic star Lucas is returning to the ring with a DLC date for his re-inclusion in Super Smash Bros.

Fan-favourite Lucas was missing from the launch selection for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. Nintendo did confirm plans for Lucas DLC earlier this year, and now the additional content has a firm date of 14th June.

Image for Lucas, Miiverse Stage, Splatoon Outfits for Smash Bros. on 14th June

DLC will become available from 8am PT (3pm GMT / 11am ET / 4pm CET). 

Splatoon Mii costumes will also be available, in addition to a Miiverse-themed stage that'll highlight top posts.

Image for Lucas, Miiverse Stage, Splatoon Outfits for Smash Bros. on 14th June
Image for Lucas, Miiverse Stage, Splatoon Outfits for Smash Bros. on 14th June
Image for Lucas, Miiverse Stage, Splatoon Outfits for Smash Bros. on 14th June
Image for Lucas, Miiverse Stage, Splatoon Outfits for Smash Bros. on 14th June

Will you download Lucas / the new Miiverse stage?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Assuming he'll cost £3.49, I might wait until Post E3 to see if Nintendo have other DLC charwcters up their sleeve and to see if they'll do a packaged DLC with multiple characters. 

Flynnie said:
Assuming he'll cost £3.49, I might wait until Post E3 to see if Nintendo have other DLC charwcters up their sleeve and to see if they'll do a packaged DLC with multiple characters. 

I reckon they'll defo announce one at E3 - content is looking a bit thin this year, so DLC options may well be what they have planned!

Season/DLC pass might be a cool option, perhaps - with characters dripping in every other month 

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