Iwata Isn't Done with Nintendo Direct

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.05.2015 10

Iwata Isn

A different chap presented Nintendo Direct today, but it hasn't ruled Iwata out from future sessions.

Nintendo of Japan held a Direct broadcast today, confirming various tidbits including a fresh look at a new Dragon Quest VIII trailer, plus a stunning first look at the glorious world of Monster Hunter X in motion on 3DS.

The stream was presented by Nintendo staffer Morimoto. Despite the change in presenter, Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata confirmed that he will still be involved, but felt it would be interesting to see someone different present this time.

Are fresh faces needed for future Nintendo Direct presentations?

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I need Iwatas humour!

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Idk, I really like Iwata. He has a certain charm that is a perfect mix of traditional family father and modern businessman that I sincerely appreciate. Of course, letting someone else shine every once in a while is not a bad thing! Smilie All employees at Nintendo needs a face in my opinion as they are doing such a wonderful job! Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I voted "Shibata for president". I assume you mean of the country, right?

I think keep Iwata, but keep it mixed with with Shibata/Reggie and the like. Sakurai would be cool, too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This voting was so hard for me to vote in actually. As I stated in my earlier comment I really like Iwata, but I have nothing against showing some other Nintendo employees once in a while.

But Mainly Iwata! He is the Sacred One! I have actually always liked him over Reggie as a face of Nintendo *The rest of the internet storms through my door*. He seems mature and decesvie, yet relaxed and calm. A person I would gladly put my trust in. He radiates logos, ethos and pathos whenever he talks while Reggie just radiates coolness and memes (which is in no way bad.. XD).

I would have nothing against more screentime during presentations to "floor workers" like graphical artists and maybe even game testers every once in a while. To get a better picture of the company as a whole! Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I say let the new blood shine every now and again. We are so used to the same guys for the few decades. Miyamoto and Iwata won't live forever, we need to get used to seeing some other guys at the helm. 

Shibata. <3

Flynnie said:
I say let the new blood shine every now and again. We are so used to the same guys for the few decades. Miyamoto and Iwata won't live forever, we need to get used to seeing some other guys at the helm. 

I really jinxed that didnt I Smilie

Wow, looking back at this makes me sad. Smilie


So harrowing that it turned out to be the last Direct Iwata ever did, aside from E3 Smilie

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