Glory of Generals: The Pacific Rolls onto the 3DS eShop

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.05.2015

Glory of Generals: The Pacific Rolls onto the 3DS eShop on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

War antics are blitzing Nintendo 3DS with Glory of Generals: The Pacific out on the eShop.

Out now on the 3DS eShop for $6.99, the game originally started life as a mobile title, featuring strategic campaigns over 4 different battlefields. 105 world famous generals head into war, with over 300 real and rich terrain that can heavily affect the outcome.

Player will need to make use of these different landforms and  the expertise of each unit to gain the winning advantage.

There are 64 different campaigns and three tutorials to become the master of war.


Be sure to read our Glory of Generals 3DS review, the previous game in the series.

Will you head into battle with Glory of Generals: The Pacific?

Box art for Glory of Generals: The Pacific








C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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