Pac-Man Celebrates 35 Years at the Top

By Adam Riley 22.05.2015 2

Pac-Man Celebrates 35 Years at the Top on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Can you believe it has been 35 years since the first ever Pac-Man was released? The illustrious career featured numerous memorable games, including the Shigeru Miyamoto-led multiplayer effort, Pac-Man Vs. on the GameCube, but more recently has been pushed via Bandai Namco with games like Pac-Man Museum and Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures.

To celebrate this amazing feat of still remaining popular to the point of even being featured on Google Maps recently, Cubed3 has been sent a fantastic 'infographic' not just spanning the yellow, circular character's career, but instead focusing on other characters fighting it out to celebrate his birthday:

Image for Pac-Man Celebrates 35 Years at the Top

Image for Pac-Man Celebrates 35 Years at the Top

Are you still a fan of Pac-Man's recent games? Share your memories of the character in the comments below...

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That was a very clever and eye-catching way to celebrate. XD Impressive indeed.

Have not played too much recent Pac-Man games sadly. I am concerned they will just make me want to go back old-school again rather than playing them. As Bandai Namco has them though I am not that worried. I mean, they have never done a bad game. Right? Right?

*intro music to Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde plays in the background*

Ok, recently then...

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.
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Pac-Man VS would be a great fit for today's Wii U, with the Gamepad serving as the de-facto screen for Pac-Man, while ghosts could be controlled on screen. I say bring it back, Namco ! Had loads of fun playing that bonus disc, actually I must have played it more than R:Racing itself XD.

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