Yuji Naka Talks Rodea the Sky Soldier

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.05.2015

Yuji Naka Talks Rodea the Sky Soldier on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rodea the Sky Soldier creator Yuji Naka and director Zin Hasegawa recently sat down to talk about developing the game.

The pair discuss the process of creating the action-packed shooter, as well as their hopes for the Rodea series in the future.

The game, originally conceived for Wii, will now be released on Nintendo 3DS, Wii U and Wii, featuring a robot called Rodea. After a 1,000 year slumber, the forces of Nava return to rage war against the world of Garuda, and it's down to a reawakened Rodea to step into action to battle the devious Naga Empire once again.


Will you join the Rodea the Sky Soldier action this year - if so, on which platform?

Box art for Rodea the Sky Soldier








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