Mario Kart 8 Version 4.1 Unlocks 200cc Grand Prix by Default

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.05.2015 4

Mario Kart 8 Version 4.1 Unlocks 200cc Grand Prix by Default on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have updated Mario Kart 8 with slight tweaks in a new version of the game.

Version 4.1's main change is unlocking 200cc and Mirror Mode Grand Prix by default - effectively allowing those who haven't completed the cups for lower speeds to opt to play through Grand Prix cups at 200cc with no work required.

The patch notes also suggest that Nintendo have made a handful of general improvements in Mario Kart 8.

What do you think of the change - is it fair to have 200cc Grand Prix unlocked by default?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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That's good. Makes sense.

Exactly, some people wouldn't have otherwise known and younger players might not have got Golds and 3stars on each cup on 50/100/150 so this is a good move. Kudos to Nintendo  do on this!

I'm neither for nor against it. But usually my stance is that nothing that can't be unlocked in higher difficulties should be unlocked in lower ones. And the highest difficulty should be unlocked from the start.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

They should make it available online as well.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

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