Here's What Star Fox Looked Like Pre-Star Fox

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2015 11


The folk at Unseen64 have dug up the initial prototype for Star Fox, called NesGlider.

The story follows on from the 1986 release of Starglider by British studio Argonaut Games, by which Nintendo had become interested in the team's efforts with 3D models. After signing a deal with the studio, a working prototype of a project known as NesGlider was created to run on NES hardware, in addition to a version for the SNES as well.


Argonaut wanted to take things further, however, and urged Nintendo to allow the team to design hardware that was better suited to 3D effects. Enter the Super FX Chip, which was embedded in the Star Fox cartridge to ensure things came together without SNES players needing to alter their setup. 

Nintendo producer Shigeru Miyamoto also got involved, suggesting an idea for a spaceship that would fly to other planets, and all the main characters being animals so as to be less "boring."

Would you have liked to see NesGlider developed with the original design in mind?

Box art for Star Fox / Starwing








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Other than Star Fox Adventures on Gamecube, I never never played a game in the series. And I probably never will.

DeltaBladeX said:
Other than Star Fox Adventures on Gamecube, I never never played a game in the series. And I probably never will.

You should at least try Lylat Wars (Star Fox 64). It is the peak of the series.

Don't actually have an N64 now (got one last year with a handful of games I'd never play, gave it to nephews because they love racing games and would enjoy Mario 64).

Finding more games around here was pretty much impossible without going online (which I don't much like doing for used physical games).

( Edited 28.04.2015 21:35 by DeltaBladeX )

greeeeeat. it's this game again: starfox snes. -___- Thanks for nothing you stupid, outdated, fx chip for blocking this and the superior snes yoshi's island from a virtual console release!  >__<

( Edited 29.04.2015 19:05 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

Don't throw a wobbly, you could always go and own a SNES and an original copy of the game. People should be thankful there's a virtual console at all. 

Also, while I like Starfox Adventures I will reccomend getting Lylatwars or Starfox 64 3DS (if you have a 3DS) , it's a brilliant game. However it is completely different from Adventures!

Flynnie said:
Don't throw a wobbly, you could always go and own a SNES and an original copy of the game. People should be thankful there's a virtual console at all. 
ha ha ha shut up flynnie! I do have a snes AND starfox snes fyi! I sholdn't have to dig the damn system out idiot! and why you care about me? *******! and be thankful about the virtual console existing? WHY? it's overpriced as **** compared to xbla & psn (not counting the subscriptions like xbgold or psn+)!!!!!!! oh and the 3ds remake sucks compared to the original starfox 64 and also WHY THE F*** ARE YOU A CUBED3 member!? I don't care if YOU are a member flynnie you just suck get lost *******!!!!!
oh and on a sidenote who uses "wobbly" as a term of anger anymore!?

( Edited 30.04.2015 04:12 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

Flynnie said:
However it is completely different from Adventures!

I'm aware. Its just the only one I found down here in New Zealand.

GamemasterB, whatever your opinion, do try to keep discussions polite. Although assuming this site doesn't have auto censoring (I'm unsure myself), thanks for at least censoring yourself. If it is auto censoring, well then.... try to keep it cleaner in future.

I get the hate that Adventures got when it was released. I remember the massive dissappointment that came with the game due to the lack of shooting and space adventure. The last "25%" of the game is also a joke! However I've really become fond of Adventures. It's a gorgeous game, even by today's standards. Probably quite easy to hi-res this game! 

Im in heading to NZ for a year next year so I'm stocking up on games from Oz before I head over at this rate. Could you not look for Starfox64 3D on eBay or  something? I'm not sure what gamesmaster's issue is with the game but it's a brilliant and faithful remake. 

I just dislike shopping online for physical games. I'll occasionally do it if I can find a good price (might be getting Kid Icarus for 3DS next week, at 30% of the local price) but most of the time, I want to look at it myself first. I've had some duds.

Ah man that is a shame. I've always had pretty much good luck buying games online. Only one exception of  Super Mario bros 3 on the GBA, I got a fake when I got that but otherwise I've had really good luck. 

Dont EB or JB do preowned games in your area? I picked up a few from JB for quite cheap the other day. 

There is a local EB store, but hey, Nintendo tax. >Smilie

I honestly can't find any DS / 3DS first part games, new or used, for less than NZ$60, most closer to $100.

I started watching ShopTo after having a friend recommend the site during a sale on Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z (PS3), that sale on the Kid Icarus 3DS game is still tempting me for when I get paid in a few more days (had planned to borrow from a friend to ensure I get it last week, but they had to deny me at the last minute, bugger). NZ$30 + another $8 for postage isn't nearly as cheap as I like (I typically spend half that on physical games since I like to buy used), but its still significantly better than local prices. I I must admit the postage is much cheaper than I think it should be. I sent a couple of cart only GBA games to a UK bootleg games collector on another site, and that set me back $20.

Them selling still sealed unused copies also helps. After getting a roach motel Wii online, I avoid the used item sites, and new copies tend to be more expensive than I like, which is a major reason I do little shopping online.

If I could catch a suitable price for Star Fox 3DS, I might consider it for my library. Unlike Kid Icarus though, it isn't something I'm actively looking for, so even if it gets a similar sale on ShopTo, I might still avoid.

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