Post-Launch Content Teased for Splatoon

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.04.2015

Post-Launch Content Teased for Splatoon on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Splatoon may get a helping of post-launch content as Nintendo aims to keep the paint flowing after release.

In an interview with the game's producer Hisashi Nogami, he noted how the team does have "some plans to follow up with content to keep interest in the game post-launch."

As for specifics, Nogami was unable to reveal more, but was keen to note that Nintendo are "hoping that this will become a franchise" that the company "can be proud of."

Nintendo have embraced DLC within games for some of the biggest releases in recent months - including two content-filled DLC packs for Mario Kart 8, and additional material planned for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

What sort of content do you think would keep Splatoon fresh post-launch?

Box art for Splatoon








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Totally agree, i think people get too carried away with voice chat; granted it is a big issue within a team based game and thus its absence disappointing, but I still think the best way to play multi player is on the couch with a bunch of friends. Regardless I have high hope for this game, hopefully its the beginning of the end for the current Wii U game drought!

Michael is a freelance writer and camera operator He longs for the day he can finally buy a hover board and is intent on one day finding all 120 stars in Super Mario 64 One day

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