Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 2 Tracks Revealed

By Az Elias 15.04.2015 8

Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 2 Tracks Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revealed all eight tracks that will be appearing in the Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 2 due next week.

The first videos have been uploaded by Nintendo's Japanese YouTube channel, so expect more localised versions of these soon.

Four new vehicles will be added: P-Wing, Streetle, Bone Rattler and City Tripper. As well as these, the three new characters that were previously known to be included are Dry Bowser, Villager (male and female) and Isabelle.

The tracks appearing in the add-on content are as follows:

  • GCN Baby Park
  • 3DS Koopa City
  • GBA Ribbon Road
  • GBA Cheese Land
  • Wild Woods
  • Super Bell Subway
  • Animal Crossing
  • Big Blue (F-Zero)
The add-on content will arrive next week on 23rd April, and can be bought for £7, or in a bundle that includes DLC Pack 1 for £11 (reduced from £14 if bought separately).

A free update will also include 200cc class for VS Race, Online and Grand Prix (unlocked after achieving a gold trophy on all 150cc cups). Nine new Mii outfits will also be unlocked through the following amiibo: Wario, PAC-MAN, Olimar, Bowser, Sonic, Toad, Villager, Rosalina and Mega Man.

Take a look at the trailers and live music performances below.

DLC Launch Trailer:

DLC Teaser Trailer:

GCN Baby Park:

3DS Koopa City:

GBA Ribbon Road:

GBA Cheese Land:

Wild Woods:

Super Bell Subway:

Big Blue:

Animal Crossing:

Big Blue BGM
Wild Woods BGM
Super Bell Subway BGM

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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This selection of tracks is amazing. Fucking hyped that Baby Park is back.

All they have to do is make Baby Park available to use in Battle Mode. There you go, Battle Mode fixed.

SirLink said:
This selection of tracks is amazing. Fucking hyped that Baby Park is back.

All they have to do is make Baby Park available to use in Battle Mode. There you go, Battle Mode fixed.

No chance lol. Would be a great battle track, but they aren't ever gonna be off the hook for battle mode until they fix it properly. I can just about forgive it for this brilliant DLC. Best £11 I've ever spent on add-on content.

( Edited 15.04.2015 09:56 by Azuardo )

Our member of the week

Amazing that they added the exact two GBA tracks I wished for Smilie. Those two were my favourites from that games, along with the Rainbow Road which I loved too, but we have enough of those already, no need for more Rainbow Roads in MK8. Not sure I like how they remixed the music for Ribbon Road though.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

So hyped for this! They actually chose all the tracks I wanted! Cheese Land, Ribbon Road and Baby Park <3

Can't believe it. Like Az said, easily the best spent money on DLC!

The new courses look fantastic, I reallylike the Wild Woods one.

( Edited 15.04.2015 11:46 by Marzy )

baby park! my wish came tru!! another fzero track is welcomed, especially with the incoming 200cc.... nintendo have done it again on the mk8 dlc. keeping my fingers crossed that we get some more mk8 dlc announcements at E3!! specifically a battle mode dlc pack but i defo wouldent mind more tracks being added

Yes! So exicted for Baby Park!!

big blue? greeeat! f-zero NX confirmed -__-  Wii u>NX no way in hell is f-zero skipping TWO generations starfox doesn't sell good since starfox 64 RIGHT!? >=( I also looooove how metroid is more likely then f-zero when it's not. metroid other M a 2010 wii game sold like *ss thus why you won't see another metoid this gen either by the logic of f-zero gx selling bad (they milked the gba games too much), *$$*****! >=(

( Edited 15.04.2015 22:32 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

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