Nintendo Rep Says Any Character Submissions are Welcome For Super Smash Bros Ballot

By 05.04.2015 4

Nintendo Rep Says Any Character Submissions are Welcome For Super Smash Bros Ballot on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Submissions for the Super Smash Bros ballot will be coming in fast, and it's likely there'll have already been third-party characters getting votes!

Just the other day, Microsoft's Phil Spencer said he would have no issues with Banjo making an appearance in Nintendo's iconic fighter! Now a representative from Nintendo of America has said that all character submissions will be taken into consideration, even if they're from a third-party. So if you're interested in voting for characters like Rayman, Banjo, Bayonetta and Ratchet, you may still have a chance of seeing them!

The representative said the following:

I can certainly understand your interest in if third-party characters are eligible for the Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot. I want to assure you that you are able to submit any video-game character for this ballot. While we are unable to guarantee your suggested character will become a Super Smash Bros. Fighter, rest assured, we do take all feedback into consideration.

Which characters have you been voting for so far? Have you voted any third-party characters?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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darkflame (guest) 05.04.2015#1

I like the idea I heard of having the "Silhouette guy" that appears at the start of all Wii games.

Image for

I mean look at that guy! Hes doing serious damage there.

Special moves would include the "wiimote flying out of hand" which hits people and bounces back.

Lol! I would star you for that Darkflame but you posted under a Guest account.

I reckon that Rayman will come eventually, but I don't see characters like Ratchet making the cut though.

I reckon that having Banjo in Smash Bros is a win win, not only will Nintendo vets like the concept but also make Banjo relevant again for Microsoft who may be thinking of a new Banjo game. 

I've seen people asking for silhouette guy on reddit lately too, lol. Honestly, after Wii Fit Trainer, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

It's too bad they only want one vote per person. I had to go with my Inkling, but there are so many characters I'd love to see in Smash. Shantae, Shovel Knight, Neku, Impa, Tetra, Bayonetta, Skull Kid, Isaac... I could go way out there and suggest Sora, Wilson from Don't Starve, Juno or Vela from Jet Force Gemini, the hunter from Monster Hunter... it's fun to imagine all the possibilities.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

9 volt... and lara croft. its about time she got some ninty love. lemmngs! crash bandicoot, great fairy, dante, birdo, dixie, waluigi, minecraft man/woman..... could go on for ages but thats my 2cents

( Edited 06.04.2015 16:26 by Supa_hyped )

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