Sakurai: Mewtwo DLC to be Released Soon for Super Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.03.2015 4

Sakurai: Mewtwo DLC to be Released Soon for Super Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Super Smash Bros. producer Masahiro Sakurai has confirmed that the Mewtwo DLC will be released soon.

Speaking during a roundtable event, Sakurai was asked about how the much anticipated inclusion of Mewtwo in the latest pair of games is coming along. Mewtwo will be available to download as DLC for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS at somepoint this year.

He noted how the character is "pretty much done" and how the content will be made available to download "soon." As for a specific date, he is urging fans to wait for an official announcement from Nintendo.

Will you download Mewtwo to your roster?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Just give us a Nintendo Direct soon! There is so much to talk about.

- Splatoon
- Yoshi's Yawn
- Xenoblade Chronicles X
- Mario Maker
- Star Fox U
and hopefully Zelda U

I can't wait for this, although I don't like the limited time frame you have to download him. I'm not going to be able to download him on the Wii U version Smilie

( Edited 22.03.2015 00:46 by Flynnie )

Flynnie said:
I can't wait for this, although I don't like the limited time frame you have to download him. I'm not going to be able to download him on the Wii U version Smilie

What's the limited time frame?

NoE's website says he will be available for a month and that he will be free for users who bought both versions of the game

( Edited 28.03.2015 04:30 by Flynnie )

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