Nintendo UK to Host Smash Bros. Invitational During MCM Comic Con

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.03.2015 1

Nintendo UK to Host Smash Bros. Invitational During MCM Comic Con on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Super Smash Bros. tournament antics are coming to the UK with an invitational set to take place during the MCM Birmingham Comic Con.

The event aims to bring together thirty-two Wii U players in a live, intense head-to-head battle. Two players will make it to the grand finale, which, alongside the quarter and semis, will be streamed live on Twitch from 2pm, 21st March 2015.

In addition to the main event, attendees will also get to play in a number of tournaments and matches throughout the weekend on both New Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. There'll even be 8-player amiibo free-for-all and team-up tournaments, so don't forget to bring those NFC Nintendo figures!


Want a chance to bag some exclusive merchandise? The Official Nintendo UK Store returns to offer fans the chance to purchase goodies.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate will also be available to play, as well as a dedicated StreetPass area for fans to tally up their hits.

The MCM Birmingham Comic Con takes place from 21st March to 22nd March inclusive - for more details and tickets, be sure to visit the MCM event website.

Will you pop down to this year's MCM Birmingham Comic Con?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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Supposedly a friend of mine got an invite from Nintendo to this tournament as he did well in the national tournament that happened recently in Birmingham. Both me and him came in the same place in the tournament so I might actually get an invite for this through my email soon O.O
Even if I did though, I'd have to get up there and pay for somewhere to stay which is easier said then done.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

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