Industry | Nintendo Conference Japan

By James Temperton 09.06.2004 1

Nintendo's Japanese Conference
All the details on everything that was said at this revealing conference...

Nintendo Co Ltd president Satoru Iwata is getting famous for his bold and realistic statements and observations about the gaming industry, and he is now taking it one step further, at a closed-door conference held at a hotel in Tokyo today.

"The Japanese game market has steadily been shrinking since 1997 and there is no clear sign of an exit to such a falling trend," Iwata said as the conference started off in Tokyo. What he I saying is clearly evident by figures that have been made available to Cubed3. The Japanese industry is not just slipping away, but plummeting, and it is not just a trend Nintendo is seeing. The company is keen to take the situation and change it fast. "The key reason for the continued shrinkage lies in the fact that the complication of games is prompting the growing number of so-called light users to not play games anymore," Iwata-san added.


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