Unlock SNES/NES Game Scenarios with amiibo

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.02.2015 13

Unlock SNES/NES Game Scenarios with amiibo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want more action for those amiibo figures? Nintendo have the answer by using old SNES and NES games.

Announced during the company's financial results briefing today, Nintendo confirmed that a free-download app is in the works for Wii U.

By tapping the amiibo on the GamePad, players unlock a portion of a certain classic title that can be played under a time limit. Tapping again will unlock another portion of the game to sample. Iwata feels that "the quickly changing game scenes will pleasantly surprise you and make you feel as though you have just exchanged a game cartridge."

In related amibo news, Nintendo spoke about sales and plans for the future - click here for more.

Be sure to join the conversation in our forums - where we've been talking about all things amiibo.
what do you think of the amiibo app idea?

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considering the cost and demand of amiibos- it makes more sense for them to unlock a whole game. Just making them a demo seems cheap to me.

For the price that amiibo are sold at, and considering the lack of function for a lot of them, I think a full game would be far more appropriate.

Agree. I misread and thought that was a good idea. Then saw "trial" and thought what's the point? I'd be very interested in picking up certain ones if they threw some NES/SNES games my way with them. Nice alternative for them to sell games and rake in some cash on top of that cow (provided they can actually eventually meet demand). At this point, which Nintendo fans need a trial of retro games?

"looks at samus and starfox image" why the heck is that the image you should have used a different one since oh I don't know..... That starfox is the one from the SNES game and, THERE WILL BE NO SUPER FX GAMES ON VIRTUAL CONSOLE. EVER!

( Edited 17.02.2015 22:28 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

You need to calm your shit, mate.

Azuardo said:
You need to calm your shit, mate.
Why? I hate the "super" fx chip because while it was revolutionary for it's day all it does now is make nintendo's vc a worse place hence why we got stuck with ONLY the GBA port of yoshi's island forever. and the superior SNES  version will be lost forever because a certain chip's patent has not expired yet! Smilie and all I said was the picture was misleading. that's it.

( Edited 17.02.2015 22:40 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

That's fine, but you freaked out over an image of Fox lol.

Azuardo said:
That's fine, but you freaked out over an image of Fox lol.
my point is that he should have used something else for the right side that is possible on vc like a picture of blue falcon from f-zero snes I don't know. I just hate that fx chip.

formally known as brando67854321

You should try posting some positive messages on this site for once. All you do is get worked up for nothing. Are there games you like? Post about those. Would make reading your messages more fun. It's cool to post about stuff that makes you unhappy, but try being positive once in a while.

"be more positive" they say. "post more nicer things" they say. -sigh- all I said was I want the stupid fx chip's patent to expire! -___-

( Edited 17.02.2015 23:33 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

I was about to say the troll is back from under the bridge but that last post was very smeagle like...

I would like to have amiibos download full games too but I guess Nintendo want to think about their profits! Selling NES games at £4.50 a pop is probably making them a mint! 

Flynnie said:
I was about to say the troll is back from under the bridge but that last post was very smeagle like...

( Edited 18.02.2015 03:47 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

AH super fx chip you were once revolutionary but now you just make the virtual console a worser place. THANKS YOU STUPID CHIP! >=( I'd rather have the snes yoshi's island than the gba version known as: "super mario advace 3".

( Edited 18.02.2015 03:55 by gamemasterB )

formally known as brando67854321

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