Excave Comes to 3DS in February From Mechanic Arms and Teyon

By Shanker Varma 12.02.2015

Excave Comes to 3DS in February From Mechanic Arms and Teyon on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Game publisher Teyon and Japanese developer Mechanic Arms have announced the imminent release of Excave for Nintendo 3DS. This dungeon-crawling RPG adventure will be available on the Nintendo eShop in the Americas on Thursday 19th February 2015 for $4.99. A European release will follow shortly afterwards. Check out the trailer here.
In Excave, Imperial City is at war! Gamers must explore the perilous and ancient Labyrinth beneath the city at the request of the King. Players must find out why this mysterious magical laboratory now spews out an army of powerful monsters bent on destruction and descend to its lowest depths to rescue the missing Magician.
The game offers the chance to triumph in a test of weapons and magic or perish, trapped deep within the twisting halls of the Labyrinth. Excave offers the chance to explore, fight and win fame and fortune before returning to the city above to heal, identify fabulous treasures and repair and upgrade equipment.
The game features classic Japanese dungeon exploration and the ability to choose and customise a character with hundreds of treasures and equipment items that can be modified and upgraded. Hundreds of unique enemies wait to test the courage and skills of the most experienced players who will explore 50 terrifying dungeon levels, with five massive boss fights, as they progress through an epic storyline to develop their characters' abilities.
Who will be brave enough to explore the treacherous depths?

Image for Excave Comes to 3DS in February From Mechanic Arms and Teyon
Box art for Excave

Mechanic Arms




Real Time RPG



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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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