This Friday is #Nintendo3DSDay - Celebrate with Zelda, Monster Hunter and New Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.02.2015 9

This Friday is #Nintendo3DSDay - Celebrate with Zelda, Monster Hunter and New Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are celebrating the launch of the New Nintendo 3DS series of consoles in Europe with the Nintendo 3DS Day.

The portable powerhouse, which has now sold over 50 million units around the world, is set to get even better with the launch of brand new, upgraded versions. Known as the New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL, the consoles come with additional buttons, enhanced screen and improved processing. It's basically beefier without the added bulk.

Also coming on 13th February alongside the new consoles are the launch of two must-have titles - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. There'll also be two hardware bundles on Friday to celebrate the new games.

Image for This Friday is #Nintendo3DSDay - Celebrate with Zelda, Monster Hunter and New Nintendo 3DS

The action continues with IronFall: Invasion, Kirby Fighters Deluxe and Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe to be launch on the digital 3DS eShop, plus a dedicated Nintendo Animé Channel.

Also this week, Nintendo will push a free update for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS that will allow amiibo support for the new systems.

Be sure to celebrate all the Nintendo lovin' with the dedicated hashtag, #Nintendo3DSDay.

Will you grab hold of any of these portable gems during #Nintendo3DSDay?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Will get a normal new 3ds this friday with MH4U... I, my girlfriend and my best friend will sit down and play all the weekend...~ Totally look forward to it! :'3

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I hope my majora's mask preorder isn't messed up by the fact I lost my bank card and had to get another! Luckily I already have my New 3ds but I want the game!

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Have my MH4U bundle pre-ordered, should arrive Friday. Can't wait!

Actually, if they had announced a Xenoblade 3D bundle, I probably could wait, but they didn't, so I don't have to Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I can't wait for Majoras Mask. I was hoping for a few other amiibo functions in other games other than just Smash though. I'm fairly certain MH4 uses amiibo as well right? 

crackedthesky said:
Have my MH4U bundle pre-ordered, should arrive Friday. Can't wait!

Actually, if they had announced a Xenoblade 3D bundle, I probably could wait, but they didn't, so I don't have to Smilie

Whoa cool a Xeno Blade 3ds bundle. Thats a good idea. They should do that. I would be first in line for a pre order.....!Smilie

I am excited to see the after market and diy sets doing custom faceplates.

Yeah... I know I will either do, or ask of a custom faceplate at one point or another... Most likely the later as I am pretty horrible at drawing/painting and know some people who are very good at it..

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

curtiscdragon said:

Whoa cool a Xeno Blade 3ds bundle. Thats a good idea. They should do that. I would be first in line for a pre order.....!Smilie

I'd kinda be surprised if they don't, at least for Japan. But I'm not willing to hold off on the system for a few months to find out; I had planned on getting MH4U and it's cheaper to get the bundle, plus I'm sick of my tiny screen and awful loading times.

Flynnie said:
I can't wait for Majoras Mask. I was hoping for a few other amiibo functions in other games other than just Smash though. I'm fairly certain MH4 uses amiibo as well right? 

I haven't heard anything beyond Super Smash. I read on a site that Xenoblade will use the Shulk Amiibo (that's impossible to even get) to unlock tokens for the figurine viewer or something, but I haven't checked to see if that's accurate.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I guess Codename Steam uses the Fire Emblem amiibo but now that a new Fire Emblem game has been announced I doubt I'll give CNSteam a chance, I didn't like the demo much either.

it would be good if Nintendo did a one day sale on the eShop on Friday. Would like to pick up SMB2 and Lost Levels. I don't know why but I have a hankering to play some retro mario but don't want to pay £10 to do it!

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