More Moon Chronicles Episodes Now Available

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2015 9

More Moon Chronicles Episodes Now Available on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Thinking about downloading the Moon Chronicles DLC episodes? Here's a taster of what's to expect from the additional content.

Venture through deep caverns in space, fending off deadly alien foes, robotic beasts and evading tricky hazzards in a bid to survive. The new episodes include the remade content for the Nintendo 3DS version, telling the tale of Major Kane, with season 2 - an all-new storyline - primed for release later this year.


Will you embark in the remaining chapters of Kane's story on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Moon Chronicles

Renegade Kid


Renegade Kid


First Person Shooter



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I used to take more interest in Jools' games. Now the only thing that gets released in Europe is Mutant Mudds. I'm sure he has his reasons (I think he's talked a lot about how archaic it is to get a game released in Europe with PEGI and stuff), but it's really sad.

put all the moon episodes on a cart, then ill buy it.

I'm guessing no one wants to pay to publish it and distribute it...shame really as the platform is really lacking these types of titles. 

xseed or atlus maybe?

Agreed - might as well ignored these stories till Chronicles gets some European love.
Its crazy that with a download theres some much trouble getting it released in other regions.

Sure, it needs to be rated, but theres no other distribution to worry about. No "risk' printing carts that might not sale. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
Agreed - might as well ignored these stories till Chronicles gets some European love.
Its crazy that with a download theres some much trouble getting it released in other regions.

Sure, it needs to be rated, but theres no other distribution to worry about. No "risk' printing carts that might not sale. 

then I won't risk buying digital games that have no retail option. I can't trade or return the game if I hate it.

Azuardo said:
I used to take more interest in Jools' games. Now the only thing that gets released in Europe is Mutant Mudds. I'm sure he has his reasons (I think he's talked a lot about how archaic it is to get a game released in Europe with PEGI and stuff), but it's really sad.
Nicalis is probably worse than him, lol. But yeah, really wish Xeodrifter and this would get released over here. Smilie

Would love to know how bad it is to get games released on the Euro eShop.

Insanoflex said:
Darkflame said:
Agreed - might as well ignored these stories till Chronicles gets some European love.
Its crazy that with a download theres some much trouble getting it released in other regions.

Sure, it needs to be rated, but theres no other distribution to worry about. No "risk' printing carts that might not sale. 

then I won't risk buying digital games that have no retail option. I can't trade or return the game if I hate it.

So, buy one episode then to test - the difference between trade and trail price is more then the cost of an episode. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
Insanoflex said:
Darkflame said:
Agreed - might as well ignored these stories till Chronicles gets some European love.
Its crazy that with a download theres some much trouble getting it released in other regions.

Sure, it needs to be rated, but theres no other distribution to worry about. No "risk' printing carts that might not sale. 

then I won't risk buying digital games that have no retail option. I can't trade or return the game if I hate it.

So, buy one episode then to test - the difference between trade and trail price is more then the cost of an episode.

. I'm still stuck with a bad game and can't trade it. It takes away rights away from consumers.  

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