News Hound: This Week In GamingOne man and his dog, went to mow a meadow. The dog got bored, ran back home and became a journo...Recent Issues News Hound: Issue 50 News Hound: Issue 49 News Hound: Issue 48 News Hound: Issue 47 News Hound: Issue 46This Week: 06.06.04Just a small issue this week, mainly because there has been sod all news all week once again. Not that I have been complaining, it has given me a chance to get stuck into some of the games I have been neglecting of late. It is sometimes nice to just separate yourself from all the excrement that spews out of gaming, and just play the quality, top-tier and entertaining titles. It is why we all follow gaming with such passion, after all.Issue 51The biggest news is Nintendo