Folk who have been visiting Japanese arcades to sample Pokkén Tournament have revealed new details on the game.
Hands-on reports for the exciting Bandai Namco brawler have outlined two new stages, various support critters and alternate colour schemes. Fancy duking it out as a scorching red Lucario? It's possible in Pokkén Tournament.
Frogadier and Eevee were spotted as support characters, Pokémon who leap into battle to - as the name suggests - lend a helping paw or two. Frogadier can use "Water Pulse", whilst the furry Eevee can unleash "Helping Hand."
Emolga, Fennekin, Lapras and Snivy will also act as a support Pokémon.
Two stages revealed include a water stage and a fighting ring.

What Pokémon are you hoping to see in Pokkén Tournament?