Fan Mocks Sonic Boom Glitch with TV Series

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.01.2015

Fan Mocks Sonic Boom Glitch with TV Series on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A fan has used footage from the Sonic Boom cartoon to mock the glitch that appeared in the Wii U version of the game.

In the game, players were able to literally break into new portions of levels by using Knuckles and pressing the pause button in succession to progress. With it, the internet and Sonic the Hedgehog community broke down into digital hysterics, with just how amusing a glitch could be.

A fan decided to use that scene to mirror the glitch with some in-game footage, which was picked up and retweeted by series writer Alan Denton.


The actual footage was originally intended to be a Super-Man reference in the show when it was written back in 2013, confirmed Denton.

Did you encounter the Knuckles glitch in the game?

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